The negative past does not disqulifiy me of having a bright future. No mistake I have made is to much for the mercy of God. I have to stay with hope. I need to learn to receive God's mercy. When I have made a mistake I don't just ask for forgiveness, I take it one step further and say in faith "I am receiving Your mercy".
God is not looking for perfect people. He is looking for people that their hearts are right. I get up each day, doing my best I can. I do not need to live guilty and condemed. And when the old thoughts are coming and saying: "You don't deserve God's blessings!" I just say: "You are exactly right, I don't deserve it, but that's all what mercy is about." God never give up on me. God's calls are irrevocable.
I can't do anything about my past. I leave it behind and do the best I can do today. Nothing that has happen in the past can disqualify me from the future God has in store for me. God is a God of another chance. I need to keep my hope up.
My God is not a fault finder. God is not focused on my mistakes. He is not looking for ways to make my life miserable. He want me to succeed. He created me to live His abundant life. I am the apple of His eye. I am the child of the most high God. What pleases Him is when I put my shoulders back and say: "I made a mistake. I know I have blown it but I know God is full of mercy. He still have a great plan for my life. Amen
Heb. 4:16 - Psalm 139:16 - Zephaniah 3.19 - John 6:12 - Jeremiah 18.4