Montag, 21. März 2016

I am ....

Jesus Chris in me is the hope of Glory!

I am free, rigtheous, holy, hallowed,
comforted, pardoned, blessed, 
acquittet of charge,  appointed,
rich, sended, adopted, 
sealed with the Holy Spirit, 
Gods figment, fellow citizen of the saints, 
Gods household member, a new creation, 
sluiced out, justified, 
dead of sin, 
son and daughter,
a child of God, 
co-heir Christi,
glorified, redeemed, released, 
chosen, anointed, 
descendant of Abraham,
ransomed by law, 
priest and king, 
ambassador of Jesus Christ .........

I am in Jesus Christ!

Jesus Christus in mir ist die Hoffnung der Herrlichkeit!

Ich bin
frei, gerecht, geheilt geheiligt,
getröstet, begnadigt, gesegnet,
freigesprochen, berufen,
reich, gesandt, angenommen,
versiegelt mit dem heiligen Geist,
Gottes Gebilde, Mitbürger der Heiligen,
Gottes Hausgenosse, eine neue Schöpfung,
abgewaschen, gerechtfertigt,
der Sünde gestorben,
Sohn und Tochter,
ein Kind Gottes,
Miterbe Christi,
verherrlicht, errettet, getröstet,
auserwählt, gesalbt,
ein Nachkomme Abrahams,
losgekauft vom Gesetz,
Priester und König,
Botschafter anstelle Jesus.......

Ich bin in Jesus Christus!

Dienstag, 19. Mai 2015

The smallest Kingdom on earth

God has put it on my heart! My prayer is that our marriages should be handelt with restpect and love.
Mark 3:24 If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.

The first and smallest kingdom in this world is a marriage! King husband and the queen wife. Think of it! Its true.

I got something from New Life Ministries for you, God bless you by reading. Lots of love.

By New Life Ministries
How do you find contentment in marriage? Try implementing these helpful five steps to see a noticeable change in how you and your spouse respond to and love one another.
As you and you spouse build and strengthen each other with these five factors, you will find you are truly working together as a team. In doing so, you will also discover the: Commitment + Communication + Coordination + Consideration + Clarity = Contentment

1. Commitment
If two people are not solidly committed to each other, their marriage will sooner or later fall apart. Trust is the foundation of a good marriage, and trust begins with commitment. Each of you needs to know that your spouse is committed to you and your marriage. The traditional marriage vows say, “for better or worse; for richer or poorer; in sickness and in health; to love, to honour, and to cherish until death do us part.” This is true commitment. Tami and I have a commitment that we won’t even use the word divorce. We’re both totally committed to honesty, faithfulness, and a lifelong love.

2. Communication
Without communication, any team is in trouble. If both Tami and I know we need a gallon of milk from the local market, but we don’t talk about who will pick it up, then we risk having either two gallons of milk or no gallons of milk. It’s important that you communicate your thoughts, ideas, plans, and opinions on a regular basis. You also need to communicate your feelings – those joys and fears and frustrations in your heart. Author H. Norman Wright says that communication is the key to understand each other and grow closer. When communications grows quiet, your relationship will turn cold, distant, and unsatisfying.

3. Coordination
Without coordination, your marriage will face conflict and tension; you will find yourselves working against each other. Coordination means figuring out a way to work together that use both partners’ talents and abilities. It doesn’t mean competing with each other or letting one person do all the work. When your efforts are coordinated, life goes more smoothly and more is accomplished. Several months ago Tami and I redid the floor of our kitchen. We worked as a team—pulling up the old floor, laying down tile, and filling the spaces with mortar. Every time I look at our new floor, I am reminded of what our coordination accomplished. Those who coordinate their efforts can complete plays, finish projects, and create a camaraderie that knits hearts together.

4. Consideration
Without consideration, feelings are hurt and your dreams slip through your fingers. A lack of consideration is selfishness, and selfish players under-mine a team. True team mates show consideration for their partner’s feel-ings, interests, needs, desires, and preferences. Peter tells husbands to be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect…so that nothing will hinder your prayers (1 Peter 3:7, NIV). Lack of considera-tion blocks your wishes, while real consideration ultimately gives you what you want. This works for both husbands and wives. As I am considerate of and sensitive to Tami, she is considerate of and sensitive to me. In fact, what she gives back often far exceeds what I gave her in the first place. When we’re considerate with each other, our communication and coordina-tion improve. And so does our marriage.

5. Clarity
Without clarity of vision, a team has no goal or direction. The players wan-der aimlessly in circles or slip into that dreaded downward spiral. Dreams give us clarity. They energize us and motivate us and give us hope. Some-one once said that if you aim at nothing, you’ll probably hit it. Don’t let this happen to you. Dream big and dream together. Plan for the future with excitement and anticipation. Robert F. Kennedy once said, “Some men see things as they are and say, ‘Why?’ But I dream of things that never were and say, ‘Why not?’ A couple who is looking in the same direction can walk forward hand in hand with determination and satisfaction. We all need dreams, plus the passion and courage to pursue them. Tami and I have hundreds of dreams: dreams for our marriage, for our children, for our home and community; dreams of places to go, things to do, and memories to make; educational dreams, recreational dreams, and ministry dreams. All of these dreams pull us together as a team, giving our lives a greater purpose and meaning and clarity.
As you and you spouse build and strengthen each other with these five factors, you will find you are truly working together as a team. In doing so, you will also discover the: Commitment + Communication + Coordination + Consideration + Clarity = Contentment.

Freitag, 12. Oktober 2012

God makes miracles out of my mistakes

The negative past does not disqulifiy me of having a bright future. No mistake I have made is to much for the mercy of God. I have to stay with hope. I need to learn to receive God's mercy. When I have made a mistake I don't just ask for forgiveness, I take it one step further and say in faith "I am receiving Your mercy". 

God is not looking for perfect people. He is looking for people that their hearts are right. I get up each day, doing my best I can. I do not need to live guilty and condemed. And when the old thoughts are coming and saying: "You don't deserve God's blessings!" I just say: "You are exactly right, I don't deserve it, but that's all what mercy is about." God never give up on me. God's calls are irrevocable. 

I can't do anything about my past. I leave it behind and do the best I can do today. Nothing that has happen in the past can disqualify me from the future God has in store for me. God is a God of another chance. I need to keep my hope up. 

My God is not a fault finder. God is not focused on my mistakes. He is not looking for ways to make my life miserable. He want me to succeed. He created me to live His abundant life. I am the apple of His eye. I am the child of the most high God. What pleases Him is when I put my shoulders back and say: "I made a mistake. I know I have blown it but I know God is full of mercy. He still have a great plan for my life. Amen 

Heb. 4:16 - Psalm 139:16 - Zephaniah 3.19 - John 6:12 - Jeremiah 18.4

Dienstag, 28. August 2012

Never Disappointed

Never Disappointed


“...those who hope in me will not be disappointed.”
(Isaiah 49:23, NIV)

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria

What a powerful promise we have from Almighty God! When we put our hope in Him, we will never be disappointed. Of course, that doesn’t mean that things will always go our way. There may be temporary disappointments, but we will never be permanently disappointed. Somewhere down the road, God will cause it to all work out for our good. With God on your side, you will always end in victory!
Are you carrying frustration, worry or aggravation about something? That’s usually a clear sign that your hope is in the wrong place. If you hope in circumstances, it will deplete you of joy and peace. But when you turn those circumstances over to God, when you refuse to worry, when you refuse to allow the temporary things of this world to dictate your happiness, that’s when God can do a work in your life. When you trust in Him, He will make your crooked places straight; He will cause you to mount up with wings like the eagle.
Today, choose to put your hope in the Father; you won’t be disappointed. Trust Him because He is faithful. Find rest for your soul in knowing that He is good, and He has good things in store for your future!


Father, today I give You every frustration, every aggravation, every difficulty. I release total control into Your loving and able hands. Speak to my heart and give me Your peace. Show me Your love as I place my hope in You in Jesus’ name. Amen.

— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Montag, 6. Februar 2012

Consider The Source

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights. —James 1:17
I love cinnamon. I love cinnamon rolls, cinnamon graham crackers, cinnamon candies, cinnamon toast, cinnamon apples, and cinnamon pretzels. Cinnamon is one of those spices that makes other things taste better. However, it never crossed my mind to think about where cinnamon comes from. Then, on a recent trip to Sri Lanka, I learned that 90 percent of all the cinnamon in the world comes from that island nation located in the Indian Ocean. For all of the cinnamon I’ve enjoyed over the years, I never stopped to consider its source.
Sadly, my walk with Christ is sometimes like that. God has blessed me with a wonderful wife, five children, and grandchildren who are more fun than a barrel of monkeys. In the midst of my enjoyment of them, however, I sometimes fail to consider the source of those blessings—what the hymnwriter called the “fount of every blessing.” James put it like this: “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning” (1:17).
How ungrateful we would be to enjoy the rich blessings of life without thanking the Father who is the source of all of creation. —Bill Crowder
Dear Lord, from whom all blessings flow,
Most precious gifts dost Thou bestow;
So truly faithful may I be
As Thou art gracious unto me. —Roworth
Gratitude is a God-honoring attitude.

Message by: "Our Daily Bread"

Donnerstag, 26. Januar 2012

Draw the line

So the king said to me, Why do you look sad, since you are not sick? .... Thein I was very much afraid....... The king said to me, For what do you ask? So I prayed to the God of heaven. Nehemiah 2:2-4

When a boss demands so much of an employee that it is ruining her home life, her spiritual life, and perhaps her health, she is not being rebellious if she confronts the boss and states plainly what she can and cannot do. She actually would incure guilt if she did not. 

God expects a person to put her marriage, her family, her home, her spiritual life, and her health before her job. If she loses her job as a result of proper confrontation, God will help her get a better one. It is sad when a person lives in so much fear of the loss of money and reputation that she allows herself to lose her health, the respect of her family, and a good relationship with God. It is sad to have the approval of someone, such as a boss, but to be out of the will of God. If you have been allowing someone to control you, you should ask yourself what price you are paying to have that person's approval. Don't play the games you have to play in order to have everyone's approval. 

Prayer: Lord, when it comes to doing Your will, I trust You to help me to draw a line and stand for the right values. I will stand with you. Amen.

by Joyce Meyer "The Confident Woman Devotional"

Dienstag, 17. Januar 2012

Peter kept on knocking!

Acts 12 : 16

But Peter kept on knocking, and when they opened the door and saw him, they were astonished

Peter was in jail. The church has come together, to pray for the release of Peter. Before they finished, God has listened. But they did not believe for a fast answer to their prayer. That’s why they left Peter standing outside knocking.

We pray so often and beg something from God. But do we really believe that He can answer or will answer? How many times is the answer already there, but is knocking at the door of our unbelief.

Since Pentecost the door of heave is open for a disciple, and the Spirit of God is powerful. Everything was possible for the earlier Christians. Yes, God has intervened and Peter was free. But the church did not believe.

We pray in our prayer time always the same prayer points and do not know, that He has answered it already. He does answer our prayers, but we do not recognise it und can because of that, not receive it. Peter must continually knock the door!

God do grant us sometimes freeing, but we leave it untouched in front of the door. He grants us our prayer request but we do not recognize, because it has already happen; let us grasp it! God has also answered our privat prayers already. Let us pick up His presents.

In the Bible is written: .. and when they opened the door and saw him, they were astonished (Act 12:16). They where astonished because their prayer was already answered. Don’t we do that often as well, in stood of living in the reality of God’s power and according to His promises. God is ready to pour out His blessings for our requerst and for the work we have done, when we fulfil the condition. Maybe we fished the whole night, but we did not get any fish. And the Lord advises us to throw the net on the other side. Blessings will come if we do that.

We pray to God for this or that. Is God dead? Is His hand to short? It s written .......
1. John 5 ; 14 - 15 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 15 And if we know that He hears us whatever we ask we know that we have what we asked of him. 
Free translation "Manna am Morgen" by H.E. Alexander