God has put it on my heart! My prayer is that our marriages should be handelt with restpect and love.
Mark 3:24 If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.
The first and smallest kingdom in this world is a marriage! King husband and the queen wife. Think of it! Its true.
I got something from New Life Ministries for you, God bless you by reading. Lots of love.
MARRIAGE By New Life Ministries
How do you find contentment in marriage? Try implementing these helpful
five steps to see a noticeable change in how you and your spouse
respond to and love one another.
As you and you spouse build and
strengthen each other with these five factors, you will find you are
truly working together as a team. In doing so, you will also discover
the: Commitment + Communication + Coordination + Consideration + Clarity
= Contentment
1. Commitment If two people are not solidly
committed to each other, their marriage will sooner or later fall apart.
Trust is the foundation of a good marriage, and trust begins with
commitment. Each of you needs to know that your spouse is committed to
you and your marriage. The traditional marriage vows say, “for better or
worse; for richer or poorer; in sickness and in health; to love, to
honour, and to cherish until death do us part.” This is true commitment.
Tami and I have a commitment that we won’t even use the word divorce.
We’re both totally committed to honesty, faithfulness, and a lifelong
2. Communication Without communication, any team is in
trouble. If both Tami and I know we need a gallon of milk from the local
market, but we don’t talk about who will pick it up, then we risk
having either two gallons of milk or no gallons of milk. It’s important
that you communicate your thoughts, ideas, plans, and opinions on a
regular basis. You also need to communicate your feelings – those joys
and fears and frustrations in your heart. Author H. Norman Wright says
that communication is the key to understand each other and grow closer.
When communications grows quiet, your relationship will turn cold,
distant, and unsatisfying.
3. Coordination Without
coordination, your marriage will face conflict and tension; you will
find yourselves working against each other. Coordination means figuring
out a way to work together that use both partners’ talents and
abilities. It doesn’t mean competing with each other or letting one
person do all the work. When your efforts are coordinated, life goes
more smoothly and more is accomplished. Several months ago Tami and I
redid the floor of our kitchen. We worked as a team—pulling up the old
floor, laying down tile, and filling the spaces with mortar. Every time I
look at our new floor, I am reminded of what our coordination
accomplished. Those who coordinate their efforts can complete plays,
finish projects, and create a camaraderie that knits hearts together.
4. Consideration
Without consideration, feelings are hurt and your dreams slip through
your fingers. A lack of consideration is selfishness, and selfish
players under-mine a team. True team mates show consideration for their
partner’s feel-ings, interests, needs, desires, and preferences. Peter
tells husbands to be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat
them with respect…so that nothing will hinder your prayers (1 Peter 3:7,
NIV). Lack of considera-tion blocks your wishes, while real
consideration ultimately gives you what you want. This works for both
husbands and wives. As I am considerate of and sensitive to Tami, she is
considerate of and sensitive to me. In fact, what she gives back often
far exceeds what I gave her in the first place. When we’re considerate
with each other, our communication and coordina-tion improve. And so
does our marriage.
5. Clarity Without clarity of vision, a
team has no goal or direction. The players wan-der aimlessly in circles
or slip into that dreaded downward spiral. Dreams give us clarity. They
energize us and motivate us and give us hope. Some-one once said that if
you aim at nothing, you’ll probably hit it. Don’t let this happen to
you. Dream big and dream together. Plan for the future with excitement
and anticipation. Robert F. Kennedy once said, “Some men see things as
they are and say, ‘Why?’ But I dream of things that never were and say,
‘Why not?’ A couple who is looking in the same direction can walk
forward hand in hand with determination and satisfaction. We all need
dreams, plus the passion and courage to pursue them. Tami and I have
hundreds of dreams: dreams for our marriage, for our children, for our
home and community; dreams of places to go, things to do, and memories
to make; educational dreams, recreational dreams, and ministry dreams.
All of these dreams pull us together as a team, giving our lives a
greater purpose and meaning and clarity.
As you and you spouse build
and strengthen each other with these five factors, you will find you
are truly working together as a team. In doing so, you will also
discover the: Commitment + Communication + Coordination + Consideration +
Clarity = Contentment.