........ “You know what this whole thing is about, Jake?” John sat back on the bench, crossed his arms over his chest and looked out across the playground. “It’s about life-—God’s real life filling your own. He moves in so that you will no longer entertain any doubts about his reality. It's the kind of relationship that Adam tasted when he walked in the garden with God and heard his great plan to have a people through whom He could demonstrate his reality to the world in more ways than you could ever imagine. It is the kind of life Jesus lived that was more than sufficient to meet every need he faced, from feeding multitudes with a little boy's lunch to healing a sick woman who touched the hem of his robe. This life is not some philosophical thought you can conjure up through meditation or some kind of theological abstraction to be debated. It is fullness. It is freedom. It is joy and peace no matter what happens—even if your doctor uses the ‘C’ word when he gives you the results of your MRI.
This is the kind of life that he came to share with everyone who will give up trying to control their own lives and embrace his agenda. “It’s certainly not what so many have come to believe, like working hard, building big ministries or new buildings. It’s about life that you can see, taste and touch; something you can frolic in every day that you live. I know my words fail to describe it adequately, but you know what I’m talking about. You’ve had moments like that, haven’t you?” .........
Book: "So you don't want to go to church any more" by Jake Colsen